This conversation led me to the realization that Rudy and I are complete opposites for a reason. See, I'm a pushover. I'm also far too sensitive and worry WAY too much what other people think of me. Although I'm never going to be completely cured (and if I'm being honest, I like these qualities about myself to a certain extent and don't want to be cured completely), he has helped me become a much stronger person. Sometimes I say no. Sometimes I talk some sense into myself when I'm being overly emotional. And sometimes, sometimes I even do something knowing that somebody will be upset because it's the right thing to do for me. If I were to be with someone who was similar to me, yes, he might understand me better...but, I don't think he would help me become a healthier, happier (more happy?) me.
I'm a lucky, lucky person to have found someone who compliments me so well. I love you, Rudy.

Awww...I'm so happy that you're happy Trish. You deserve it!!