However, after three months of searching, a billion applications, a million resumes and a thousand cover letters, today I'm going to only my second interview. This particular position is clerical, which I'm totally happy with and an hour away, which I'm not as happy. But, I'll totally take it!
I always get so nervous just before an interview. Certainly not because I'm afraid of the people or the job, but because I put so much pressure on myself to GET the job. Especially right now, where stress is becoming a huge factor in my life because of unemployment. I tend to not let myself think before giving an answer to a question and just babble on (okay, I do this ALL the time) and on and say whatever pops into my head.
I have to admit something, though. I don't just get nervous at interviews. I'm BAD at interviews. I totally am. I like people and I know I'm personable and I know I can do well in any job I apply for but I have a really hard time fighting my nerves and explaining myself. I come off either sounding too young (okay, I sound young no matter what) or a bit unsure of myself because I'm a little afraid to say what I'm good at for fear of not living up to it. What if I'm not really very good at something that I think I'm good at?
I'm hoping by writing this and admitting these things to myself that I'll give myself the opportunity to improve. I WILL slow down, be myself and be confident in what I have to offer an employer.
Interview is at 1 PM. Wish me luck!
Here's some cuteness to brighten your day...or just mine. :)

Good luck!!! You'll do great!