Rudy and I got engaged in January. We'd been dating for 4 years and although I'm happy we waited until we were financially stable and just about settled with our careers to get engaged, knowing that I was going to marry him and waiting for so long was, well...excruciating.
So we set our wedding date for 1.5 years after our engagement. Partly because we wanted to get married in the summer and partly because I wanted plenty of time to plan...less stress that way!
About 9 months into our engagement, Rick entered into the picture.

Now, my mama is NOT the kind of person who thinks of herself, her needs or wants. She really isn't. So although she's quite the catch, she never allowed herself to go out and meet men. She was busy taking care of us, her children and her mother and her uncle and a
million other people. So to say that her first date with Rick was a surprise is an understatement. A week or two after the first date, it was, "So, if Rick is still in the picture, can he be my date to your wedding?" Then a couple weeks after that, the word marriage was being thrown around.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for meeting, falling in love and getting married quickly because sometimes people just
know...but I have to say, my MOM getting married (before me) was, well...CRAZY! Next thing I know, they're engaged and setting their date for four months away! After the shock, acceptance that I was going to have to share my mommy with a MAN, and four months of mama got married.

And you know what? I couldn't be happier for her.

But mama? Don't you EVER do something that crazy EVER again...I just can't handle it. ;)
All photos by: John Hester Photography