I wasn't only desperate to get a job because I was bored out of my mind being unemployed, but getting a job meant we would finally be able to move out again. Have I mentioned how much I love my new job?
Well, last weekend, Rudy and I moved. It was, quite possibly, the best day I've had this year. Although unpacking is going very slowly and starting over is pretty expensive, I'm so happy. The fur children are adjusting quite well too. Belle has made herself at home, looking out every window and picking on Dusty whenever possible. Dusty is working on being adorable and behaving wonderfully...which he is being very successful at.

And Pepper, well...it's always about Pepper, isn't it? Pepper is being a DIVA. She's absolutely refusing to potty on the dirt outside. Every once in awhile she's desperate enough and can't stop herself, but for the most part, she will hold it and just stare at me when I take her to the dirt. The plan when we found out we could rent this place, which doesn't have a yard, was to get a doggie door out to the patio and the puppies could potty in the dirt when we're not home. With Pepper refusing, I don't want to risk any accidents inside, so she and Dusty have been staying outside when Rudy and I are gone.
On top of the constant potty struggle (I usually give in and take her to the grass on the street), Pepper has also discovered the windows.

She's rather enjoying looking out and barking at, well, everything. I swear, that dog needs some private obedience lessons. Thank goodness we have one good dog.