So, here it is...

Thanks for the challenge, Kamee!
Joey: It's a moo point. Rachel: You mean a moot point. Joey: No no, a moo point. Like a cows opinion... doesn't matter. It's moo. (Quote from Friends)
Well, a couple days ago Dusty had an unfortunate accident in our closet. He was really difficult to potty train and isn’t the, bark in your face when he needs to go, kind of dog. He’ll talk a little, cry a little and basically just…stare at you until you take him out. This can be a problem after I leave for work in the morning. Rudy typically sleeps for at least 30 minutes, sometimes hours, after I leave and the puppies get to sleep in those days too. But Rudy is a heavy sleeper…especially in the morning. Nothing will wake that man up. I’ve literally thrown the dogs on top of him, had them lick him and sniff him for minutes, and he still won’t wake up. So the other day, Dusty had to desperately go outside and couldn’t hold it in. I’m guessing he used his usual, I need to go potty cues, and when those didn’t work, he decided to hide in our closet to go. Poor puppy knows he isn’t supposed to go in the house, but when he couldn’t hold it in anymore, he found a place that perhaps we wouldn’t mind.
My shoes are on the floor in the closet. My adorable puppy had his accident…on one of my shoes.
I’ve been as careful as possible to make sure that Dusty does both of his businesses in the morning when I take him out. This morning though, he didn’t want to go. So, my pep talk went something like this:
Me: Dusty, be a good boy today. If you need to potty outside, you wake daddy up. Bark loudly, jump on the bed, lick his ears, bite him on the nose…do whatever it takes to get him up. Just don’t go on my shoes again.
(iPhone Photo)
I suppose it’s a good thing Dusty can’t understand me, or Rudy might be very angry when he wakes up with Dusty’s mouth attached to his nose.
Have a great week!